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The Case of Dakota Moore

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

KingWolf catches up with Director and Actress, Amy Cay, to talk about her latest film, The Case of Dakota Moore, her passion for acting, directing and what’s next for her career-wise.

1.What attracted you to create the movie "THE CASE OF DAKOTA MOORE?

  • I was actually staying on a boat while I worked out of town, and there was a night that I was talking to Anthony discussing projects and work. While we were face timing he asked where I was at and when I told him I was on a boat he was so confused! Ha ha! I said, “Watch, we are going to end up making a movie out of this about a girl on a boat…” and voila, Dakota was born!

2. Did you find it difficult or easy to wear both the directing and acting hat for this film?

  • I didn’t find it difficult at all actually. I knew what we wanted it to look like, so I could navigate and direct it to what was expected

3. Besides yourself, what celebrity would you like to see tackle this character.

  • A young Kaley Cuoco – I’ve always admired her and I feel we have VERY similar personalities, and since Dakota’s role was basically based off of myself, I think a young Kaley would fit perfectly.

4. I see you mainly create and act in the horror genre, what are your three favorite horror movies of all time.

  • My favorite horror movies: 1. Saw III 2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. Halloween

5. How and when exactly did you realize you had the passion for acting?

  • As far as getting in to acting, it was very random. I worked with Anthony before, which is how we crossed paths. He had told me how he was getting into filming and had this idea for a raw horror movie he wanted to do (HACKSAW.) I joked with him to put me in his movie as the girl that dies and he actually entertained my idea and said he would use me as the lead actress. So, HACKSAW is where my passion was born. I have learned so much, and can’t wait to see where this takes me!

6. What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of being an actor?

  • The most challenging aspect I think is really developing the character and bringing them to life without being over the top.

7. What, according to you, is the best part of your work?

  • I think the best part of my work is the dynamic roles I’ve been able to bring to life. From HACKSAW being the more dominant female role, to Baby The Clown which is a Freddy Krueger type character, and now our newest work I play a complete psycho, I think it’s important for any actor to have a range of characters played. To me, that shows true talent!

8. What would you consider your "dream role"? Like a specific kind of character you've always wanted to play, but haven't found the opportunity yet. Who would that character be?

  • My dream role has actually been fulfilled! I had always wanted to be able to play a role of a psycho, yet the composure is very robotic. It was challenging and very exciting to bring to life!

9. If you had an opportunity to work with any director, who would it be and why?

I would love to work with James Wan! I think his work is absolutely incredible and also dynamic. Especially watching how he filmed the SAW movies, that’s where I fell in love with his work.

10. What is next for you? Do you have any projects in the works to either director or act in?

  • So, speaking of the psychopath role I discussed earlier, this is from our newest work, Torment. This is in post production and should be hitting the film festivals by fall! Anthony Leone directed, I play the lead and am editing it as well! I think the audience will enjoy this movie a lot!

Indie film supporters, check out Amy Cay's latest horror film THE CASE OF DAKOTA MOORE. distributed by Midnight Releasing. A trip to California leaves a popular travel video blogger the victim of a stalking after one of her local followers becomes too close for comfort.

Attention bloggers and pod~casters, for follow up interviews with Filmmaker and Actress Amy Cay be sure to contact Sharry Flaherty of Samera Entertainment at:

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